Minutes for meeting held Tuesday 10th December 2024
Held in Ayton Community Hall at 7:00pm.
- Alan McFadzean — Chair
- Trevor Smith — Secretary
- Paul Ingram — Treasurer
- Amanda Wright
- Toby Foster
- Darren Hall
- Alison Currie
Apologies for Absence
- Cllr J Anderson
- Cllr C Hamilton
- Cllr A Orr
Minutes of the meeting held 12th November: DH proposed, and AW seconded, and minutes were unanimously approved.
Christmas Market
A report was provided to the Council by Emily Sanderson who had led on the recent Christmas Market. It was reported that the event had been a great success and was enjoyed by many people from the village and further afield. While 6 stalls had dropped out all others had attended and this raised £125. A donation was suggested for the Bowling Club as way of thank you for using their premises and £20 was agreed and TS was given the money to pass on to the club. This left a surplus of £105 for future use by the CC.
Santa’s Grotto was very popular with all children visiting Santa receiving gifts kindly sponsored by local businesses Ayton Mini Market and Hair by Louise, thanks were noted to both of these businesses. Thanks, was also noted to Santa for taking time out of his busy schedule, especially at this time of year and also to his little helper. Notable thanks were also offered to Chris Norris and Amanda Wright for supporting Santa and his helper in their visit.
A bucket collection was organised with proceeds being donated to the Ayton Christmas Lights Group and it was reported that over £200 was raised for them and was gratefully received.
The Community Council would like to Thank all of those involved in making this event such a great success and special mention was pointed out to Emily Sanderson for her first class organisation of the event.
Following the success of the Christmas Market, it was proposed that we consider a further event in the summer. Suggestions were offered for a Beer/Cider Festival and a Community Picnic. The CC agreed that both were good ideas and would be explored further in the New Year.
The police report was not received ahead of the meeting and TS agreed to chase this and circulate to members when received.
Cllr J Anderson Report
Cllr Anderson was unable to attend due to prior commitments, a report was submitted however some technical problems prevented us from opening the file. TS will ask Cllr Anderson to recirculate his report when these problems have been resolved.
Ayton Primary School Volunteer Request
TF reported that the Primary School would be grateful for our support in recruiting new volunteers to support their breakfast club which is an important club, allowing parents to drop their children at School at 8am, ensuring that they have a breakfast and often allowing parents extra time to get to work. It was agreed that we would promote this through our own networks and social media.
In addition to this TS was able to talk about funding that may be available through SBC and their employability team, which he leads. Details of the PESF programme were discussed and it was agreed this would be fed back to the head teacher for her consideration and TS would make himself available should she wish to meet to discuss this further.
Clock Tower Flag
DH advised that he had again spoken to Berwickshire Housing who had confirmed remedial work had been completed on the clock tower but a further official was required to check the flag pole itself due to movement within the roof. It had been confirmed that Michael Aitchinson was the appointed official in the absence of Davy Scott and this inspection would take place imminently. Berwickshire housing have agreed they will update DH in due course following the inspection.
Treasurer’s report
PI informed the CC that the council had purchased a poppy wreath which was laid by AM at Sunday’s remembrance event at Ayton Church. The cost of this was £39.60.
Project Account Balance stands at £909.96
Treasurer’s Account Balance stands at £905.21
Litter on the A1: AC reported that litter on the A1 continues to be a serious problem, especially in the area between Eyemouth and Ayton. She proposed that we write to the Chief Exec’s of SBC and Bear Scotland as well as enlisting the support of Local Councillors, MSP’s and Our MP in this matter. It was agreed that we would take this course of action.
Next Meeting
The next Ayton Community Council meeting will take place on 7 January 2025, along with the AGM.