Minutes for meeting held Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Held in Ayton Community Hall at 7:00pm.
- Sarah Woodbury — Chair
- Alan McFadzean — Vice Chair
- Trevor Smith — Secretary
- Paul Ingram — Treasurer
- Alison Curry
- Amanda Wright
- Darren Hall
- Toby Foster
- Mr R Boyd — Local Resident
Apologies for absence
- Cllr A Orr
- Cllr J Anderson
- Cllr C Hamilton
SW advised the meeting that she has received resignations from Rachel Hendry which was accepted. SW also announced that she would be resigning both as Chair and as a member of CC at the end of today’s meeting due to additional commitments. It was agreed that Vice Chair Alan McFadzean would take the Chair until at least the AGM in December unanimously. SW was thanked for her excellent work in the formation and administration of the community council.
The minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 4th June 2024 were approved. Proposed by AM and Seconded by AW as a true and accurate reflection of events.
Vehicles driving at excessive speed
It has been reported that vehicles continue to drive at excessive speed through the village despite signs and a new type of display offering happy and sad faces. It was agreed that we should invite PC MacLeod to our next meeting.
Cllr J Anderson report
Cllr Anderson was unable to attend however he provided a written report via email stating:
Bear Scotland would be meeting around the 18th of the month regarding A1 upgrades over the next 18 months and advising that multiple diversions would be in place. We have been invited to to take part in discussions and agreed we would like to be kept up to date.
Funding for play equipment had been applied for and would be approved at the next area partnership meeting. It was suggested that a representative of the CC be present to support an AM agreed to attend on our behalf.
Coldingham are arranging a community consultation on their new play park with designers and builder Kompan. Jack Eeley will keep us in the loop regarding this so we can share best practise with them.
Community Consultation
SW has been working on this and will forward details on to other members of CC for future reference.
The police report for the last 2 months was circulated to members and there were no matters arising from either report.
CLLD Grants
SW advised at she had received information regarding a new pot of money with grants of up to £20,000 with applications being invited quarterly rather than annually.
Rotary Cycling Event
On Sunday 29th September a cycling event organised by Eyemouth Rotary Club would be taking place and passing through the village in the morning and returning in the afternoon. It would be crossing the high street at the Beanburn junction and marshals from the Rotary club would be in position.
Community Conversations
A meeting with the subject of Unpaid Community Support will be taking place in Duns at 6:30pm on 3rd October. SBC have invited us to attend.
Clock Tower Flag
DH advised that he had followed up on the enquiry at the previous meeting from a member of the public and a site inspection will take place by Berwickshire Housing on 24th September. DH would be advised of the outcome and report back to the next meeting.
Treasurer’s report
PI reported that our annual grant of £630 has now been agreed and will be paid imminently.
PI also reported that we previously made the following regular payments annually:
- Hire of Ayton Community Hall: £60
- RAGES: £10
- Berwickshire Civic Society: £10
- Remembrance wreath: £45
Additional fees will include website expenses (where a significant saving has already been achieved), batteries and pads for the defibrillator as and when required, purchase of litter picking equipment, and maintenance of the flag pole including replacement flags.
Project Account Balance stands at £903.28
Treasurer’s Account Balance stands at £963.28
AM had been looking at the possibility of a Christmas Fayre in the village and has been looking into interested parties who may wish to attend. It was agreed that Sunday 1st December would be a good date and we would explore having the village lights switched on the same day. It was agreed that a member of the Christmas Lights Group would be invited to the next CC meeting to discuss this further.
AC advised that the next community Clean Up would take place between 20th and 22nd September and in Ayton on 21st September. Volunteers were invited to support this and it was noted that historically these events were well supported by members of the community.
An event entitled Shared Ownership of Energy would take place at Duns Volunteer Hall on 17th September. AC agreed to attend.
DH requested an update on EV charges for the village. It was noted that there was an increase in the amount of people choosing to have electric vehicles and there is no local infrastructure to support this with local chargers only available in Eyemouth or Grantshouse, both of which are not currently operational. It was agreed that advice would be sought from SBC Council representatives.
Ayton Enhancement Group
Local Resident Rob Boyd attended the meeting on behalf of the Ayton Enhancement Group to share plans they have for a community Garden in space at the bottom of the High Street before turning into Old Town. Plans were welcomed by the CC and it was agreed that this was an excellent project which would further enhance the village. Planning needed to be applied for and would be significantly cheaper if the CC applied on their behalf. This was unanimously agreed and we also agreed to provide further support where possible.
Future meetings
Following the resignation of SW it was agreed that meeting for the remainder of the year would be moved to the second Tuesday of the month to ensure sufficient members were in attendance.
Next meeting
The next Ayton Community Council meeting will take place on the 8th October 2024 at 7pm in the village hall.
NB: Next meeting moved to Monday 7th October.