Minutes for meeting held Tuesday 5th March 2024
Held in Ayton Community Hall at 7:30pm.
- Sarah Woodbury — Chair
- Paul Ingram — Treasurer
- Trevor Smith — Secretary
- Alison Currie
- Amanda Wright
- Christopher Norris
- Margaret Carey
- Paul Ingram
- Peter Hemingway
- Toby Foster
- Cllr James Anderson
Apologies for Absence
- Alan McFadzean — Vice-Chair
- Darren Hall
- Rachel Hendry
- Cllr Aileen Orr
- Cllr Carol Hamilton
Community Council Training
Logan Inglis was present at today’s meeting and as previously agreed delivered a training session to all member of the Community Council on the role of a Community Councillor and of the wider Community Council. He was able to explain where Community Councils fit into the national and local government frame work and discussed the importance of the role. He talked at length about our individual and collective roles and responsibilities and how these roles are measured, discussing policy and guidance that we are all expected to adhere to. A full account of the training session will follow these minutes when they are made available. The council would like to place on record our thanks and Gratitude to Logan for his time and extensive knowledge, which he was able to share with us.
SW opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and the apologies for absence were received.
The minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 6th February 2024 were approved. Proposed by MC and Seconded by AW as a true and accurate reflection of events.
Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting
SW advised that RH still needed to sign that code of conduct and as she was not present, she would seek to speak to her separately, having not had the chance to do this, AC has now completed this.
Cllr JA Advised that new road markings on the road out of the village were now in hand and advised that SBC Officers had advised him that these should be completed in the next month.
SW Has not yet had the chance to meet with the resilience group but would endeavour to do so at the earliest opportunity.
Cllr JA advised that he had now had a response from SBC regarding the overall general condition of the Cemetery. The officer responsible for this is very keen to look at the problem and has asked if it may be possible to have a meeting on site so they can see some of the problems first hand. It was agreed that this was a good idea and TS and PH agreed to an on-site meeting, subject to and mutually convenient time being agreed with the officer.
TS advised the meeting that he was yet to contact the dog warden regarding securing posters that could be strategically placed in the village, however he would do that ahead of the next meeting. AW confirmed she had advised the school that should they make dog bag dispensers, bags would be provided by a local business. A discussion was had around adding further dog bins in the village and Cllr JA advised that the council preferred to move bins rather than provide new ones as the emptying of these provided more work in a time of budget cuts. Several members mentioned that there were no bins in the field that lies between the Beanburn and the River Eye. It was explained that historically this had been looked at however as it is private land the landowner would be required to approve this and in the past they had been reluctant as they did not want the responsibility of having to empty these. One suggestion was that by the school and park we have 2 dog bins within 50 metres of each other, could one of these bins be moved to the entrance of said field, by Summerhill Cottage and Cllr JA agreed to explore this option with Council Officers.
TS confirmed that he had Emailed Graham Johnstone (gjohnstone@scotborders.gov.uk) to express an interest in the £10,000 Place Based Investment Fund. Once further decisions are made surrounding the play park this can then be applied for.
TF confirmed that he had been given access to the old website and this had been transferred over to the new one which is almost ready to launch. He confirmed that all officers should have had an email, which they need to action to create their new email addresses to ensure they can receive emails directed to them. He places on record his thanks to members who had spoken with the previous administrator, who had responded positively and given him everything he needed. He advised that all historical minutes from Community Council Meetings would be uploaded to the new site and in future all current minutes would be uploaded too as soon as they were produced. In addition to this, members asked if it was possible to link the website and the Village Facebook Page. TF explained that due to Facebook Cookie Policies this would be difficult however it was agreed that a link to the new website could be added on the village Facebook page subject to the agreement of all administrators of this page as it is not run by the Community Council, although TS does have admin rights on this page along with other members of the public from the village.
SW and AW confirmed that the Bird Scarers, that complaints had been made regarding had now been moved and other actions carried out by the owner as agreed. SW advised that she had spoken to the resident who had raised concerns, and while the resident advised they did still cause some issues, they agreed that improvements had been made that they was now satisfied with and considered the matter closed.
SW advised that the sign at the North End of the High Street indicating vehicle restrictions had now been reinstated.
Treasurer’s Report
PI advised that we had received an interest Payment 0f 1.34 on the CC Account, taking the Balance to £345.37. We had received an interest payment of 3.24 on the Project Account taking the balance to £900.06. No other debits or credits had been made this month as detailed on the most recent statement, although he did stress that as we did not have online banking this could have changed.
As far as PI was concerned, he was not aware of the annual Grant of £630 being made but it was confirmed that this had been raised with Gillian Jardine by both Cllr JA and TS and both had been assured this would be made. PI Again reiterated that as he is unable to access live online updates he could not confirm if payment had been made since the statement had been issued but would check and update the council at the next meeting.
Area Partnership Meeting
It was reported that the meeting did take place in Duns Volunteer Hall on 7th February and was well attended by a number of organisations although only 1 local SBC Councillor, Cllr JA was in attendance meaning it was not possible to make a decision on some grant applications. TS and AC had both attend on behalf of the Community Council and reported that the NHS gave an excellent presentation on their current budget situation and concern was expressed around a 10% cut in their current budget which amounted to a cut of approximately £28 million.
Retweed had given an excellent presentation by Margaret McCole, their new Chief Officer who confirmed that they had been successful in their purchase of the Old Bank of Scotland Building in Eyemouth meaning that they were moving from their current premises on Eyemouth High Street. This would allow them to support more people through their various courses and they were also looking at the possibility of creating a new apprenticeship for a young person.
Duncan Morrison had provided an update on the Berwickshire Costal Path amid concerns of Coastal Erosion. A consultation was underway, and Community Councils would be given first sight of this and their views will be sought.
Community Council Stakeholder Meeting
AM had confirmed that he had attended this meeting and that it was very interesting however he was unable to attend tonight’s meeting and has asked for a 15 minute slot at the next Community Council Meeting to provide an update to members.
SBC Budget
Cllr JA confirmed that the budget for the next financial year had now been set and approved by full council. He advised members that this has been published in full on the Scottish Borders Council website so that members of the Community Council as well as any interested members of the public can view.
Public Transport Issues
TS had forwarded the concerns of a local resident who attended our last meeting and Members to Gordon Grant at SBC but was yet to receive a reply. Cllr JA confirmed that he has looked at our concerns and has asked to be invited to a future Community Council meeting so this can be discussed further. It was agreed that we would all welcome this and would invite Mr Grant to our next meeting.
January MMWR Report
PC McCloud has submitted this month’s police Scotland report with no issues effecting Ayton.
Berwickshire Clean Up
AC advised that an action day is planned across the area and that Ayton will be playing an active role. Volunteers are being sought for a litter pick at various locations in the village and anyone interested should meet at the Community Hall at 11am on 24th March. All equipment will be provided and refreshments will be available in the hall afterwards.
Community Engagement
SW advised that she had received an email from the new Community Engagement Officer at SBC and that he would like to meet with the local council. Members welcomed this and he will be invited to future meetings as well as being added to our circulation list.
Ayton Children’s Play Park
SW advised that she had been contacted by a member of another Community Council to ask if we would be interested in working with Coldingham and Cockburnspath Community Councils on the subject of Children’s Play Parks, suggesting that we might share ideas and best practice on fundraising as well as explore the possibility of gaining discounts should all 3 areas order play park equipment collectively. Members debated this looking at pro and cons to the idea and resolved that SW would make contact and enter initial discussions with them. Further to this it was agreed that we would like to move forward with the plans for developing a new Play Park and it was suggested that we start with some Community Engagement work which CN will lead on. It was agreed that he will liaise with the Primary School Head and Parent Council as well as wider members of the public and have an open meeting at a date to be agreed that will suit all parties involved. We will then explore peoples views on what they would like in a play park, should there be an appetite for one and if so a working group from the council and community can start exploring option available to us including suppliers, costs, and funding.
Local Area Partnership
Cllr JA advised the next meeting would take place on 20th March at Eyemouth High School at 7pm.
Date of Next Meeting
It was agreed that no meeting would take place in April due to Easter Holidays and members not being available. The next meeting would take place Tuesday 7th May at 7pm in the Community Hall.
The Meeting closed at 9.15pm.